Friday, September 27, 2013

OOTD - Cutesy Casual

Here is a quick outfit of the day for you.  I was actually going to wear this out to dinner with my hubby last night, but we ended up staying in and watching a movie.  So I wore this outfit today instead since I knew I would be filming a YouTube video.

I love to pair girly dresses and skirts with tennis shoes.  My style is very girly and cutesy, but casual at the same time.  I like to look nice, but feel comfortable while doing so.  Wearing a pair of stylish tennis like the ones shown here is a great way to add a comfortable and casual vibe to an outfit.  If you look closely you'll see that my converse have polka dots.  Polka dots are one of my fashion weaknesses.  I feel that they always add cuteness to an outfit.

Dress: Rue 21, or JCPenney??
Blazer/Jacket: H&M
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Converse from Asabee (Japanese Store)
Bracelet: Seiyu/Japanese Walmart
Ring: Forever 21
Necklace: Gift from a friend, but I love it so much, I wear it ALOT

I apologize for the non-exciting background.  I'm still looking for a good outside location to take photos in.

This post is part of the That's My Style Link Party, over on My Serendiptious Life.  Click the button below to check it out. ;-)

My Serendipitous Life


  1. Cute! I love the blazer and converse with such a girly dress :)

  2. I love the trainer/dress combo, you rock it xx
